lovely custom albums
These keepsake custom albums have gotten sweeter this year. These ones are 8×8 with hard library bound covers. The pages are thick, firm, lay flat and are printed on a lovely felt paper. Pictured below are a custom photo cover and a solid linen cover. Your session title or family name can be debossed on the front of your linen album cover.
These beautiful albums are keepsakes for sure. Lovely and forever. Albums are the best and definitely worth the investment.
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Also… I keep all of your images so if I’ve photographed your baby or family in the past and you missed having an album made I can pull up those images and create one for you! For example these baby albums pictured here are from two brothers’ sessions, one born in 2012 and one just recently in 2014. Now that mama has a newborn album of both of her boys when they were babies.