Santa Claus Event, 2018

Santa Claus came and he was a blast! We had so much fun. This year we went out to Willow Gardens Nursery and had an event with Cavelle Kids. She brought out her newest line of gorgeous dresses and we had a hot cocoa bar, goodies, and an amazing coffee bar. Have you heard of the Humble Hustle Barista? Their coffee is delicious. And I’ve accidentally become a bit of a coffee snob over the years (oops). So, try them out for an event or just for fun. Anyways, we had lots of little ones lined up with mini Santa sessions. They had an opportunity to sit in Santa’s lap, tell him what they wanted for Christmas, and of course take a few pictures. Some of the kiddos were delighted to see Santa, some had so many questions for him about what kind of cookies he liked to eat, or how he really made presents for everyone. But other little ones were terrified of Santa and just wanted to get back into their mama’s arms. Call me cruel, but all of it was fun, even the crying kids. I mean, they’re moments, they’re memories, right? And that’s what I love to capture. Hee hee. If you weren’t able to join us this year, definitely look for our event next year. I have a pretty good feeling we’ll have to do it again.