12 years and new york city

My husband and I have been married for 12 years. 12 years!! Isn’t that awesome? And we haven’t just been putting up with each other either. It’s been great. Oh of course marriage has it’s ups and downs. But God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and our 12 years has been full of mostly “ups”. We went off to New York City, mid-town Manhattan to spend some time together. Oh and we left our little boys at home! 🙂 It was time to spend a week, just the two of us. And it was fantastic…

I debated taking my fabulous big camera with me and decided to leave it at home. Many reasons…but most revolving around the fact that I wanted to focus on my man, not on getting the perfect shot. So here are some pics from my little point and shoot camera. Many of which were shot by other tourists that were kind enough to help out (so don’t judge if the fence is more in focus than our faces). Here’s a little New York City for you…

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