madison, two years
Something happens when a little one turns two. Somehow they change. They seem to be a little baby and then suddenly, you look …. and they’re a little opinionated person…. with an actual personality. How did that happen?! I love capturing two year olds. I love the challenge that they pose as they don’t quite get what we’re trying to accomplish with this whole picture and camera thing. But mostly, I love how I am blessed to be able to capture a moment as a child grows from a baby into a little walking, talking, opinionated … little person.
See the transition from baby to two year old? And here she is as a one year old. This change happens right before your eyes. This is one of the reasons that I am so very grateful for photography. It is a gift to us mamas. We treasure these little years and they go by so quickly.
Love you sweet, spunky, wonderful little Madison.