Testing my photography studio lights and finding something new…
So early this year in January, I wanted to test out my lighting and so I asked my two 12 and 14-year-old boys to come to the photography studio with me. Of course, I bribed them with something like ice cream I’m sure. Hey whatever works, right? I needed to test out my lights in my new studio space and they were my closest victims. So, they came, and we took some simple photographs in my studio. And… I loved them. So much.
So, with this was born, my newfound interest in capturing personalities and close-ups of kids and teens. I love photographing families outdoors in beautiful locations and capturing their interactions and love for each other, but this was different. This was silly, serious, ridiculous, sweet, and fun. And all focused on what they looked like at that moment at 12 and 14 years old. We didn’t go out and buy any new clothes, we didn’t color coordinate. I’m pretty sure my 12 years old’s athletic pants were even way too short and looked a lot like high waters due to a recent growth spurt. But none of that mattered. I was able to capture their sweet, spicy, and ridiculous personalities and they became some of my new favorite images. Here are the results of our little light testing photo shoot…