sweet baby hailey

Meet sweet little Hailey. What a fun baby to photograph. Hailey’s mama and grandma were my assistants for the afternoon and we tried numerous things with the little miss. She was such a sweetie for us too, putting up with us moving her little body all around and putting her in different positions. If you notice,…

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little miss hailey

I was priviledged to meet a precious little girl this week. Only 1 and a half days old in these pictures, Miss Hailey. She is blessed to be born into an incredible family all the way around. I have very much loved getting to know this baby’s mama and grandma. Little Hailey is definitely a…

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Baby sister…

I was privileged to meet little miss Payton this week. She was a little more than two weeks old when we took these pictures and she was amazing. She let us move her all around and was a pretty easy going baby girl for us. And big brother Jadon kept me laughing with his cute…

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ella june

I met little miss Ella in the hospital last week and this week I got to go to her home. She was only 6 days old here. Good job mama getting her pictures done within the first week (the babies are the most sleepy during that first week, so that’s my favorite time to shoot…

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new baby announcements

I have put up a bunch of new baby announcements on my main website. To check them out, click here, then go to my portfolio page. Below is one little sample. You have to check out the website to see the rest. Fun, fun, fun. Gotta love new babies!

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little mr. austin

What a precious little 10 pounder. Austin came into the world only six days ago and he is a sweet one. Thanks for letting me come into your home and take pictures of your little one. It was a pleasure. He’s a sweet little guy. Here are a few from our time together.

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hospital photo shoot

I’ve really enjoyed photographing babies in the hospital when they are fresh, fresh, FRESH! Mama stays in her bed and in her hospital gown. She doesn’t have to get all prettied up because she looks quite wonderful for just having delivered a child. I just come in and take a few shots to document the…

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baby announcements

I love taking pictures of newborn babies….especially during their first week of life. During that first precious week they are much more sleepy and out of it so we can mess with them a bit more without it disrupting them as much. I also really love creating birth announcements. Here are a couple of recent…

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