precious little tyler

Some sweet friends of ours lost their baby boy, Tyler, this past Wednesday. It’s been a hard week. Hard for us because we love them, but incredibly difficult for their sweet, sweet family. This couple is amazing though. Their foundation is in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is their rock and He is the reason that…

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a gift…

“Behold, children are a gift from the Lord.”  Psalm 127:3

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the king extended family

I’ve known the King family, or at least parts of them, for a long time. Amy is a sweet friend of mine from college and their family just continues to grow….  What a wonderful blessing! It was so great to see you all. Here are a few of the pictures from our time together.

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little Bella…

I got to take pictures of sweet spunky little Bella a couple of weeks ago. She’s a lively one with much to say at just 18 months. My favorite part is all of the fun outfits that her mom wanted to try, including “skater girl bella” with the chunky thighs and all. I love those…

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my little Drew is 3…

Well, my littlest boy has officially turned 3. That seems big to me. Maybe just because there’s no negotiating. He’s not a baby anymore. Hardly even a toddler. Pretty much just a boy. He has much to say, many opinions, and is actually quite independent. Well, here are a few shots of him.

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