the fleming extended family

Extended families are such a fun adventure. The whole group together, all of the cousins and siblings, laughing, and enjoying each other. A gorgeous windy spring evening with a lovely family. Thank you Penny. It was a pleasure spending the evening with your beautiful family. Invalid Displayed Gallery

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the burns family

Sweet little Darcie has grown so much already since her newborn session. She laughed, smiled, and drooled pretty much throughout our entire session. What a sweet, happy baby girl. Invalid Displayed Gallery

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the fisher family

Four awesome, busy, handsome boys on a beautiful spring morning. Love this family. They’re pretty awesome. Invalid Displayed Gallery And just a little bit of a behind the scenes for you. This is what’s it’s really like to capture four brothers. As a mama of boys… these images me smile and I consider keepsakes.  🙂

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ethan turns five!

Sweet handsome little Ethan has turned five and so we had to document some moments. Five’s a pretty big deal after all.  🙂 Invalid Displayed Gallery

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the gomez family

What an amazing family. So much love, silliness and all around genuinely kind hearts here. I’m grateful for the opportunity to capture some moments for this sweet family and their amazing soccer loving, wiggly boys. Invalid Displayed Gallery

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the davies family

Oh these little girls… Their adorable bright dresses and animated personalities are just too much fun. Invalid Displayed Gallery Grateful to have another opportunity to capture memories for this sweet family. Look at how these little girls have grown over the past few years! 🙂  Here they are when little Piper was just a newborn…

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the marriott family

Lovely family on a lovely day… so grateful to be able to capture these moments. And little mister Eric Linden…. your crystal blue eyes and sweet little smile are amazing.  I can’t believe you’re so big now…. a big one year old. Here’s little Eric as a seven month old and as a newborn baby.…

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the brazil family

This little family definitely has a sweet love for each other. It’s easy to see. I loved capturing some moments for them as they enjoyed being together. Little miss Leila was much more interested in finding mushrooms than flowers and she was quite the fabulous little dancer and climber. Love her energy and passion for…

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charlotte + grant

Lovely little ones getting so big and so animated. I have had the sweet privilege of photographing this little sister and brother duo as itty bitty newborns, as almost 4 months olds at the beach, as well as last fall when they were learning to sit up. And now, they’re turning one. They’re standing and beginning to…

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the brown extended family

These little girls are cousins….what a treasure to have a sweet little relationship with your cousins and to be so close in age. The Brown family….the whole extended family….is awesome. We had a great time laughing as we captured some moments in between the drops of rain. Invalid Displayed Gallery

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