the wakefield family
These little babies keep growing so very fast! I had the privilege of photographing sweet little McKenzie when she was just two months old. And now here she is as a big adorable toddling around one year old. So grateful to be able to capture these fleeting moments.
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An amazing family…all the way around. And… I happen to love wiggly little boys. Thank you Wallings. It was a pleasure to capture some precious moments for your sweet family.
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This adorable little guy in the middle is Miles. He’s an amazing happy little soul. And his mommy and daddy seem pretty great too. 😉 Thank you Stewart family for allowing me the privilege of capturing your little man’s sweet smiles.
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This mama and I go way back. She’s a long time friend of mine. And how fun to have the privilege of capturing her busy little family. As a mom of boys myself I know that life with little boys is fast and bouncy. I’m grateful to be able to freeze some of these very…
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A beautiful family, a lovely spring evening, and some adorable little ones. I’m so grateful to be able to capture some moments for a family like this. Time goes by so quickly and our little ones change before we know it. Capturing this time is precious. Thank you Kirchmans.
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One fun loving family…seven beautiful grandkids and lots of laughter.
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This is little miss Giana. She’s the littlest one of the Kismet family. She’s kind of darling. Here are just a few of the images that we captured of little Giana and her parents…and even a few with her big cousins.
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Lovely family. For real. Beautiful blossoms…beautiful family…get ready…
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I had the privilege of attending a big convention for professional photographers this week (WPPI). It was wonderful, inspiring, overwhelming, and every time it challenges me to move forward in my business. But….I was away from my family for four days of this week. And oh how I missed them. I love all the snuggles,…
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Sweet, happy, spunky, little Emily turned one. What a joyful and amazing little girl. Can you even image the joy that this amazing and passionate smile brings her family?
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