love this season

So, the holiday photo shoots have slowed down and Christmas cards are made and ordered. Now this is what I’m spending my time doing… and I plan on doing more of it.

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boxes, boxes, boxes

So, I receive a lot of boxes full of your christmas cards and prints and more. Just thought I’d share one of the many things we do with our boxes, we throw some of them in the recycle bin, but others….we make into towers, forts, mazes, and games in our living room. So, thank you…

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happy thanksgiving

I have much to be thankful for…. I’m thankful for my relationship with my God and my Provider. I’m thankful for my little family, for my three boys, one of those boys being my husband of eleven years. I’m thankful for my extended family. I’m thankful for my friends. I’m thankful for restful vacation. I’m…

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i love fall

I just love the fall season. What’s not to love? After a warm (oh, let’s be real….hot) summer, the weather begins to cool down. The mornings get crisp and the evenings need a sweatshirt. It’s time for pumpkins, corn mazes, thinking through Halloween costumes, and the holidays are around the corner. We’ve had a couple…

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kyle's 1st soccer game

Well, it’s official, I’m a soccer mom, we’re a soccer family, and all that goes with it! And, I love it! My little Kyle had his first soccer game on Saturday. So so sweet. I love the little huddle that follows the ball. Priceless! I also love that I didn’t even know what the score…

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my brother's family

Love these people. And they love the mountains. This is my brother’s family. My brother is a competitive rock crawler. You know, like big buggies going up vertical huge rocks. It’s really quite amazing.  Well he’s married to a wonderful girl and this is their little Eli. Eli’s precious. Really, almost always, he’s just happy.…

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my boys…

Today was a fun day. This morning my little boys woke up so excited to put their backpacks on and go to preschool. We sent off both of our boys to preschool this morning. They were excited to see their teachers, meet new friends, and do school. My little boys are getting bigger and it’s…

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sweet sweet molly

This is Molly. She’s my sweet friend’s baby girl. She was just chillin in her carseat the other evening, looking all beautiful, happy and blue-eyed. And, as often happens, I had my camera around and just had to snap a few. She’s the happiest baby ever. Amazing, really! Love her Stac! Just wanted to share…

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my little kyle

My little Kyle is not so little anymore. He is turning 5! Wow. 5! That seems big, right? Well, he’s quite a little man in many ways. He loves to read and do many things academic. He loves numbers. But he’s also really into any kind of trains, cars, blocks, and mazes. I know mazes…

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most amazing weekend

Our little family of four just got back from a vacation camping at the coast. We camp near the backside of the Pismo Dunes. These dunes are the most amazing sight. I’ve seen the dunes many times before…the ones with all the ATVs, tents, trailers, and just so busy, busy, busy you have to watch…

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